The Celtic response to the referendum in Catalonia on independence from Spain

There is strong support from those in the Celtic nations for the democratic right of the people of  Catalonia to hold a referendum on independence from Spain. This has been clearly stated by the Scottish government and progressive nationalist parties in the Celtic nations of Brittany, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The Celtic League has also been clear in its support for the right of the Catalan people to determine their own future. In doing so they recognise the economic and social benefits that would also come to the Celtic nations, if they, as already achieved by Ireland, moved towards full independence.

The position and actions of Spain in arresting people for organising the referendum, intimidation and force to prevent a referendum taking place in Catalonia has discredited the image of Spain around the world. At the same time many experts point out that the efforts to stop the Catalan referendum taking place is likely to actually increase the Catalan demand for independence. Spanish actions remind the Catalan people of the dark period when the Catalan language, culture and self-government was suppressed by the Spanish fascist dictatorship led by Gen Francisco Franco until his death in 1975.

Catalonia has a distinct identity dating back to the 12th century. Since the return of democracy to Spain in 1975 Catalonia's story has been one of political, economic and cultural resurrection and renaissance. It is Spain’s second biggest autonomous region with a population of 7.5 million out of a total Spanish population of 46.5 million. Catalonia generates around a fifth of Spain’s GDP but many feel that its economic potential is being stifled by being tied to Spain. They point to large portions of its tax revenues being used to subsidise poorer regions.

There can be absolutely no doubt that Catalonia has the potential to be a successful independent nation state. The Catalan government has said it will declare independence within 48 hours if there is a Yes vote.  It would already have a bigger population than countries such as Bulgaria (7.1 million), Paraguay (6.7 million), Denmark (5.7 million) and Norway (5.2 million). There are also, of course, much smaller successful independent nation states around the world than those mentioned above. There are ten with populations of less than the Isle of Man. Iceland has a smaller population that Cornwall. There are a whole number of successful nation states with populations less than Brittany, Wales and Scotland. For Catalonia, as with the Celtic nations, self determination is the key to a brighter future, where beneficial social and economic development is not stifled but encouraged.


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