'Bold Alf' - and rare insect life on the Ayres!

The Chinese water torture is a process in which water drips on to the victims forehead eventually making them insane.

I suppose Manx Radio can ultimately have the same effect because surely that is what this story in which one noneenity apparently refers to another nonentity as ‘Bold’ is designed to induce.

A can think of a lot of descriptive terms for our current Treasury Minister but Bold is not one of them unless of course Manx Radio are subtly referring to the interpretation of the word as ‘flashy, gaudy, lurid’.


To my mind in meeting the challenges the Island faces I find the Treasury Minister to be ‘lack-lustre’ but as Manx Radio are hoping to get a few bob from him don’t expect that descriptive term to be used anytime soon.

I recall some years ago that the late John Herdman a satirical cartoonist of some renown drew a carricture of the then Treasury Minister Donald Gelling. Donalds briefcase was half ajar with moths coming out of it. In Alfs case he hasn’t even got the briefcase..

Some months ago when discussing our opposition to the log cabin development on the Ayres a colleague averred that there was a wide range of not just wild life but insect life there. He said there are probably species on insect their we haven’t even discovered. When I see and hear the utterances on Tim Baker MHK I think to myself we may have just narrowed that number by another one.

Image; A rare insect discovered on the Ayres.

Bernard Moffatt

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