Welsh Language Under Assault From Property Developers - Charges that Local Councils have "Sold Out"

Alarm bells are sounding this week over the impact that Property Developement schemes are having on Welsh speaking areas.  Citing the impact of large new housing estates on the stability of the Welsh tongue in traditional Welsh speaking areas, Carmarthen Plaid Cymru Councillor Alun Lenny has expressed concern.  As reported in the popular news site "WalesOnline", Lenny has called on the Welsh government to create an agency to assess the impact of large property schemes on previously stable language areas. 

Llanelli Councillor Sian Caiach, echoing these views, has claimed that local councils have "sold out" the Welsh language.

These concerns mirror the statements made recently by Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws, also reported by "WalesOnline".  In a recent article, Huws was said to have called for "drastic amendments" to current planning guidelines so as to ensure the survival of the Welsh language.  Commissioner Huws leveled the following charge: " The current situation where large housing estates are built without clear guidelines on how to measure their impact on the Welsh language is unsustainable."


