There is more to heritage than bricks and mortar

Cornish flag

That is the reason the Cornish language is so important.

Some say it dies out but it is again growing in popularity. It never became extinct. It exists in placenames, surnames as well as dialect. Indeed, it was probably spoken within families as well. It has always been a part of life in Cornwall.

Large sums of money are spent maintaining historic buildings but rather less has been spent on the Cornish language. In comparison, things have been done as cheaply as possible. But the Cornish language is both an ancient tongue and a living language.

I believe that it must be supported in the same way as old buildings. Our language defines who we are. It is a living link to the landscape and to our communities.

Strong communities are good communities, weak communities result in decline. That is why the Cornish language is important.

It is our heritage and our future. It deserves investment. For there is indeed more to heritage than bricks and mortar. Truly our future is history as the author John Angarrack has said!

Ertach An Tavas Erbyn Brykkys Ha Lym Ha Pry

Yma moy dhe ertach ages brykkys ha lym ha pry.

Hem yu an reson an tavas Kernewek yu mar vysy. Ran an bobel a wra leverel ef o marrow mes yma ef ow encressya yn kerensa an bobel arta. Nys eth ha bos nefra marrow hag ef a wra bewa whath yn hynwyn a dylleryow ha tyluyow hag yn ranyeth ynweth.

Yn-tefry, ef o leverys, del hevel, yn tyluyow ynweth.

Ef re be ran an bewnans yn Kernow yn pupteth-oll.

Mur summenow a vona yw spenys ow scodhya drehevelyansow ystorek mes nebes le re be spenys war an tavas Kernewek. Yn hevelepter taclow re be gwres a brys ysel ages possybyl. Mes, an tavas Kernewek yw an dheu hen yeth ha tavas bew.

My a grys res yu dhodho bos scodhyes y’n kethvaner ages drehevelyansow coth. Agan tavas a wra agan styrya. Ef yu melchann bew dhe’n vu ha dh’agan cowethasow.

Cowethasow cref yw cowethasow da, cowethasow gwan awra omsewya yn dyfygyans. Hen yw prag an tavas Kernewek yw bysy. Ef yu agan ertach ha’gan termyn a dhe. Ef a wra dyndyl mona gorrys dhe wayn.

Yma yn-tefry moy dhe ertach ages brykkys ha lym ha pry.

Yn whyr agan termyn a dhe yw ystory es an auctour John Angarrack re leverys!