Prestigious Cornish Language Book Prize Awarded

Preceding the annual general meeting of Agan Tavas, (The Campaign for the Cornish Language), held at Murdoch House, Redruth on Saturday 6th February the Pewas Perghyryn, (The Michael Palmer Award) was presented for the second time.

 The award is for new literature in Cornish or outstanding translation work and was given by the Palmer family in memory of Michael who was a prodigious writer of  stories in Cornish. The name of the award reflects Michael's bardic name.

 The winner this year was Rod Lyon of Nancegollan, past presenter of the News in Cornish on Radio Cornwall. The prize was for his original science fiction story 'Dhe Emlow an Galaksi' (To the Edges of the Galaxy).  Ray Chubb, secretary of Agan Tavas and spokesperson for the judges said that “Rod has written an excellent story in the 'Star Trek' genre which nevertheless had some interesting new science in it. A story which once started was difficult to put down”.

 Members of Agan Tavas were particularly pleased that an original work, in the spirit of the writing of Michael Palmer, had won the award this year.

 The publisher of the book is The Cornish Language Board, copies may be obtained through the Kowsva shop in Redruth

 A translation of The Story of Doctor Dolittle, (Drolla Doctour Dolittle), by Eddie Climo of Taunton and published by Gwask an Orlewen was Highly Commended.

The picture shows, left to right, Rod Lyon, Clive Baker Chairman Agan Tavas, Ray Chubb Sectretary Agan Tavas:


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