Manx abortion legislation and the impact of restrictions

This article from Celtic News Mannin draws attention to the issue of abortion legislation on the Isle of Man and a research study now being undertaken:

Abortion Research Seeks Answers On Impact of Restrictions

Detail at this link into a study project into abortion on the Isle of Man and the impact that current legislation has on those who must grapple with the decisions and then pursue off Island alternatives should they determine to procced with a termination:

The link also carries an on-link to an interview that Dr Rebecca Rowley gave to Manx Radio.

The results should give much needed context particularly as those contributing will have experienced at first hand the impact of the present legislation. It will be more than interesting to balance the outcome of the research against any decision that Tynwald ultimately makes.

The research will also be a useful counter-balance to some of the irreverent Strand Street ‘shouting’ which has gone on of late. After all what is needed in terms of an issue such as this is facts not the mob!

Image: Dr Rebecca Rowley

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